The fire danger
is Low and fires are unlikely to start. Underground fires
and fires in heavy fuels may smolder.
Class 2
The fire danger
is Moderate and the probability of ignition exists in light
flashy fuels. However, the fire will have a slow rate of
spread and the fire intensity is usually low.
Fire Danger Sub-Classes
The next three classes are divided into
three sub-classes. Most agencies do not do this and is unique
to the New Hampshire system.
Class 3
The fire danger is High and the
probability of ignition is high. Fine fuels in open areas
and on sunny slopes will ignite readily and will spread
rapidly. We are likely to have 1+ acre fires statewide.
This class is divided into three segments:
Low Class 3:In
this segment the fire danger is high, but the fire behavior
is more like a Class 2 fire.
Class 3:As
defined above.
High Class 3:In
this segment the fire danger is higher, the fire intensity
is building, and the fire is spreading rapidly.
Class 4
The fire danger is Very High and the
probability of ignition is very high. All sources of ignition
will start fires easily. Fires will burn very intensely
and will have high rates of spread causing control problems.
There may be spotting, torching of trees, and deep burning
except in early spring, which will cause mop-up problems.
Firefighter safety is of utmost concern. We are likely to
have several large fires statewide.
May be associated with "Fire Weather Watch" and
a "Red Flag Warning".
Class 4
This class is divided into three segments:
Low Class 4:
In this segment the fire danger is very high, but the
fire behavior is more like a high class 3 fire.
Class 4:As
defined above.
High Class 4:In
this segment the fire danger is moving towards the extreme,
the burning is very intense, and the fire is spreading
very rapidly. Spotting and torching is occurring and the
fire behavior is becoming a problem.
Class 5
The fire danger is Extreme and the probability
of ignition is of a concern because any ignition source
will start a fire. Fires will spread rapidly and be very
difficult to contain. Spotting, intense burning rapid rates
of spread, and high probability of running crown fires may
be observed.The possibility of extended attack fires is
of great concern as these fire likely will not be extinguished
until after this burning period. We are likely to have many
large , problematic fires statewide.
May be associated with "Fire Weather Watch" and
a "Red Flag Warning".
Class 5
This class is divided into three segments:
Low 5:In
this segment the fire danger is extreme, the fire behavior
is starting to become a problem. Small fires build quickly,
individual trees may be torching, spotting is occurring
because of lofted burning embers. Containment may be a
problem because of firefighter safety concerns.
Class 5:As
defined above.
High Class 5:Fire
behavior is extreme. Erratic winds, fire whirls, and spotting
are a few of the many problems associated with fires.
Containment may not be possible because of safety concerns.
The fire may be causing updrafts and a large column or
Fire Weather Watch (possible "Red Flag Warning")
The National Weather Forecaster is near
the "50% confidence level" that "Red Flag"
conditions will occur within the next 12 hours.
Those conditions for vegetative Stage
1 and Stage 2 (cured and transition) are:
Wind......sustained or frequent gusts
above 25 mph
RH..........less than 30%
Rainfall...less than 1/4" during the previous 5 or
more days
Those conditions for Stage 3 (green)
Wind......sustained or frequent gusts above 25 mph
RH..........less than 30%
Rainfall...less than 1/4" during the previous 8 or more days
Byram Drought Index is above 300
Red Flag Warning
The National Weather Forecaster is confident
that "Red Flag" conditions will occur.
Not all of the conditions have
to be met, just a majority of them.
2024 Monthly Runs
Run Totals
Meredith Fire Department 286 Daniel Webster Highway,
Meredith, NH 03253 (603) 279-6061