Merdith Fire Department
Friday, March 28, 2025
Fire Danger Today:
Fire Danger Forecasts discontinued until Spring. Please Drive Safely.

Meredith Assists at Center Harbor Motor Vehicle Accident
October 22, 2019

Center Harbor companies were alerted at 18:36 of a motor vehicle accident with people trapped in the area of 49 Whittier Highway (NH Route 25). 5C1 (Manville) arrived on scene at 18:42 and advised 4 vehicles involved, including a tractor trailer unit carrying fuel oil. At 18:44, 5C1 requested 14 Rescue 1 to the scene to assist with extrication. Prior to arrival, Center Harbor crews were able to successfully extricate all parties. 14 Rescue 1 crew assisted with scene lighting along with clean up of fluid and debris. The tractor trailer unit sustained minor damage to the trailer suspension system from being sideswiped, but the tank itself did not leak. Meredith companies were placed in service at 19:46.

Companies on scene: 14 Rescue 1, 14C2, 14C3

Meredith Called to Laconia for 2nd Alarm Structure Fire
October 20, 2019

Meredith companies were called to assist in Laconia at 18:24 for a 2nd alarm structure fire at 724 White Oaks Road. Laconia companies arrived on scene to a two story single family residence with heavy fire showing. 14 Engine was assigned to assist at the scene and 14 Tower 1 was assigned to provide station coverage at Laconia Central Fire Station. 14 Engine 4's crew assisted with salvage and overhaul. Meredith companies were in service at 22:59

Tracy Way 1st Alarm Structure Fire
October 10, 2019

Meredith companies were notified at 11:53 of a structure fire at 94 Tracy Way. While companies were en route, Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Communications advised 14C2 (Kloetz) that the police department was on scene with smoke showing from the residence. 14C2 then requested a 1st alarm. The 1st alarm brought crews from Laconia, Gilford, Center Harbor, Moultonborough, and Holderness to the scene. The fire was located in an attic crawlspace which was difficult to access. Once located, the fire was quickly knocked down. Due to the difficult attic access, crews were committed for an extended period of time to overhaul the area. The cause of the fire is believed to be electrical in nature. Bristol and New Hampton provided coverage for the Meredith stations. All companies were in service at 14:33

Command: 14C2

Companies on scene: 14 Engine 1, 14 Engine 4, 14 Tower1, 13 Engine 5, 8 Engine 3, 5 Engine 1, 15 Engine 4, 12 Engine 5

Meredith Crews Battle 1st Alarm Structure Fire
October 10, 2019

Meredith companies were alerted at 17:23 to a structure fire at 38 Chase Road. While companies were en route, Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Communications advised of a barn fire. Based on the update, a 1st alarm was requested which added Laconia, New Hampton, Holderness, Bristol, and Gilford companies to the scene. 14C1 (Jones) arrived on scene at 17:35 and reported a 14' x 30' shed fully invoved. He also cancelled the 1st alarm but requested Laconia and New Hampton companies to continue to the scene. Crews quickly knocked own the fire and began overhaul. Center Harbor and Sanbornton covered Meredith. All companies were in service at 19:28

Command: 14C1

Companies on scene: 14 Engine 1, 14 Engine 2, 14 Engine 3, 14 Engine 4, 14 Rescue 1, 13 Engine 1, 17 Engine 2

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2025 Monthly Runs
{Month} {Total}
Run Totals
2024 576
2023 510
2022 513
2021 503
2020 491
2019 448
2018 480
2017 474
2016 467
2015 414
2014 389
2013 445
2012 395
2011 384
2010 339

Meredith Fire Department 286 Daniel Webster Highway, Meredith, NH 03253 (603) 279-6061