Merdith Fire Department
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Fire Danger Today:
Fire Danger Forecasts discontinued until Spring. Please Drive Safely.

Water Street Chimney Fire
January 30, 2012
Meredith companies were called at 13:36 by the resident at 23 Water Street reporting a chimney fire. The resident believed the fire was out. 14C3 (Joslin) arrived on scene, followed shortly by 14 Tower 1. 14C3 reported a working chimney fire to the Communications Center. Crews set to clearing the wood stove of embers and laddered the roof to begin suppression. The fire was extinguished and no extension to the structure was found. Companies returned to service at 14:16

Companies on scene: 14 Tower 1, 14 Engine 1

Command: 14C3

MVA on Waukewan Street
January 20, 2012
At 9:20 this morning Meredith crews were notified of a vehicle that had struck a building at 54 Waukewan Street. 14C1 (Jones) arrived on scene and reported a pickup had slammed into a two level deck attached to a residence. Damage was severe enough to raise concerns that the deck structure could collapse. Crews assisted with stabilization and assisted with vehicle removal. Companies cleared the scene at 9:42.

Companies on scene: 14 Engine 1

Command: 14C1

Parade Road MVA
January 9, 2012
Meredith companies were alerted at 17:39 of a rollover accident and power lines down on Parade road near Winton Road. 14C1 (Jones) reported after arriving on scene that a single vehicle had struck a utility pole and was on its side. He also confirmed that power lines were involved. Companies closed the road and awaited the power company to arrive to shut down power. The vehicle operator was uninjured. All companies were back in service by 18:47.

Companies on scene: 14 Engine 1
, 14 Engine 2

Command: 14C1

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2025 Monthly Runs
{Month} {Total}
Run Totals
2024 576
2023 510
2022 513
2021 503
2020 491
2019 448
2018 480
2017 474
2016 467
2015 414
2014 389
2013 445
2012 395
2011 384
2010 339

Meredith Fire Department 286 Daniel Webster Highway, Meredith, NH 03253 (603) 279-6061