Merdith Fire Department
Friday, March 28, 2025
Fire Danger Today:
Fire Danger Forecasts discontinued until Spring. Please Drive Safely.

Campground Road 1st Alarm Building Fire
November 20, 2016

Meredith Fire Department personnel were alerted at 14:42 of a building fire at 26 Campground Road. At 14:45, 14C2 was advised by the Communications Center that a passerby reported fire showing from a 30' x 40' 2 story building. 14C2 then requested a 1st alarm response. At 14:51, 14E3 arrived on scene and reported heavy fire showing from the first floor. The crew from 14E3 began an aggressive fire attack, followed shortly by the crew of 14E1. Both crews quickly knocked down the fire. Fire damage was contained to the floor of origin. The attached store and second floor sustained smoke and water damage. The building housed the store, offices, and a small arcade for the Clearwater Campground, which was closed for the winter. Mutual aid companies assisted with overhaul and water supply. All companies returned to service at 17:11.

Command: 14C2

Companies on scene:14 Engine 1,14 Engine 3, 14 Engine 4, 14 Tanker 5, 14 Rescue 1, 12 Engine 5, 13 Engine 1, 8 Engine 2, 17 Engine 2, 19 Tanker 1, 45 Ambulance 2

Companies at cover: 5 Engine 1, 4 Engine 4

Blueberry Hill Road 1st Alarm Building Fire
November 9, 2016

The Meredith Fire Department was notified at 14:09 for a smoke investigation in the area of Pleasant Street and Meredith Neck Road. Immediately after Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid provided additional information that an off-duty firefighter had arrived on scene of a fully involved single story ranch home at 30 Blueberry Hill Road. 14C1 requested a 1st alarm response. 14C2 arrived at 14:16 and confirmed the report. He also reported that the residence was located up a very long and narrow driveway. 14E1 arrived at 14:18 and dropped a 4 inch supply line at the end of the driveway and layed in to the scene. Defensive operations were initiated as the building was unsafe to enter. Mutual aid companies assisted with overhaul and water supply. All companies returned to service at 18:18.

Command: 14C1

Companies on scene:14 Engine 1,14 Engine 2, 14 Engine 3, 14 Tanker 5, 14 Tower 1, 14 Rescue 1, 5 Engine 1, 15 Engine 4, 12 Engine 5, 13 Engine 5, 8 Engine 2, 8 Tanker 1, 17 Engine 1, 45 Ambulance 4

Companies at cover: 2 Engine 1, 4 Engine 4

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2025 Monthly Runs
{Month} {Total}
Run Totals
2024 576
2023 510
2022 513
2021 503
2020 491
2019 448
2018 480
2017 474
2016 467
2015 414
2014 389
2013 445
2012 395
2011 384
2010 339

Meredith Fire Department 286 Daniel Webster Highway, Meredith, NH 03253 (603) 279-6061