Merdith Fire Department
Friday, March 28, 2025
Fire Danger Today:
Fire Danger Forecasts discontinued until Spring. Please Drive Safely.

Laconia Motorcycle Week POW-MIA Ride
June 14, 2012

The 2012 POW-MIA Ride was believed to be the largest in it's history today. Hundreds of motorcyclists paid tribute to our servicemen and women who are listed as either prisoners of war and have not returned home or missing in action.

Apparatus and firefighters from Meredith, Laconia, Ashland and New Durham showed their support using aerial platforms and ladders to form an archway flying the American flag as well as the official POW-MIA flag. Riders passed under the arch as they entered the parking area to attend the vigil ceremony in Hesky Park. This vigil is believed to be the first and is also the longest continuing vigil in the United States.

The ride began in Gilford at the Lowe's Plaza and followed a nine mile route to it's conclusion in Meredith.

Companies on scene: 14 Tower 1, 13 Ladder 1, 2 Ladder 1, New Durham Ladder 1

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{Month} {Total}
Run Totals
2024 576
2023 510
2022 513
2021 503
2020 491
2019 448
2018 480
2017 474
2016 467
2015 414
2014 389
2013 445
2012 395
2011 384
2010 339

Meredith Fire Department 286 Daniel Webster Highway, Meredith, NH 03253 (603) 279-6061